Cosmobiology Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to
Scientific Research, Training and Education in Cosmobiology
After several decades of intensive software development to calculate and graph patterns detected in large databases and compute statistical results in both exploratory and confirmatory research designs, breakthrough discoveries were made. When Peter read some of Santino's writing on these discoveries, they began discussing ways to fully develop this research in the most efficient and sophisticated way through an academically oriented non-profit institute.
The Cosmobiology Institute Board of Directors
The Board of Directors oversees, manages and directs the institute to achieve its mission. The Cosmobiology Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the Greater Good and all policies and programs are developed in accordance with this guiding principle. Board members are required to attend quarterly meetings and contribute to the success of the institute.
Michele Love, BSc & BSEd President
Angela Dills, B.A. Secretary
Rochelle Fernandes, MBA Treasurer
Fei Cochrane, BSc & BEd Operations Manager
Vincent Godbout, MSc Research Codirector
Santino Mancuso, MA Research Codirector
Peter G, Neumann, PhD Research and Software Development
Finance and Compensation Committee
As an institute dedicated to the Greater Good rather than for personal profit, the Finance and Compensation Committee oversees all expenses to ensure that payments or personal benefits to board members, appointees and associates of Cosmobiology Institute do not exceed market rates and are the most efficient, effective and economical options available. This committee also oversees agreements, contracts, and purchases that are needed for the functioning of the institute to ensure that all transactions are conducted with the sole purpose of advancing Cosmobiology Institute's mission to serve the Greater Good.
Committee Members:
Rochelle Fernandes, MBA
Fei Cochrane, BSc & BEd
Advisory Boards: There are 3 Advisory Boards. Advisors can volunteer suggestions, insights and ideas in their area of expertise. Advisors are also consulted on all plans and activities related to the particular Advisory Board
Research and Software Advisory Committee
Scientific Research is the foremost function of the Cosmobiology Institute. Making available research software and providing training in research methods for cosmbiology research are very high priorities.
Committee Members:
Peter G, Neumann, PhD
Gisele Terry, MFT
Robert Currey, BSc [Hons]
Vincent Godbout, BSc
Glenn Mitchell, PhD
Fei Cochrane, BSc & BEd
Santino Mancuso, MA
Education Advisory Board
Cosmbiology is a rigorous, fully evidence-based discipline that functions according to the high standards of other academic evidence-based disciplines. There are plans to establish a BA degree program in cosmobiology. Providing training programs in research and theoretical foundations for the research are also important functions of the Cosmobiology Institute.
Committee Members:
Michele Love, BSc
Cosmobiology Applications Advisory Committee
Many applications of Cosmobiology are possible. This committee assists companies and individuals who wish to apply cosmobiology principles to achieve their goals efficiently and ethically. The Cosmobiology Institute promotes and fosters a wide range of potential applications that will benefit humanity and build prosperous enterprises that provide tangible benefits.
Committee Members:
Gisele Terry, MFT
Peter G. Neumann and Santino Mancuso are the founding members of the Cosmobiology Institute.

Peter G. Neumann's accomplishments in computer science and research are extraordinary. Like many creative geniuses in areas of technology and data science, he is gifted in many ways, including being a musician and an investigator in areas outside traditional academia.
Peter's meteoric rise in the world of technology began with a PhD in Mathematics from Harvard University in 1961, and he was a Fulbright scholar in Germany where he received German Dr rerum naturarum in 1960. It was during his years at Harvard University that he had a two-hour meeting with Albert Einstein, and that meeting profoundly influenced him.
He was fortunate to participate in exciting work at the Computer Science Lab at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey (1960-70). In case you are not a techno-geek, Bell Labs is where many major discoveries, including Nobel prize winning discoveries have been made by some of the world's greatest scientists.
Peter then transferred to SRI International Computer Science Laboratory headquarters in Menlo Park, California. SRI International is situated in the heart of Silicon Valley next to Stanford University. This highly dynamic and progressive environment is where Peter's enormous number of contributions have been generated. He is a leading expert in all areas of computer and information security systems and has been involved in numerous critically important projects that are used throughout the computer and information systems industry, the military, public voting, etc. Peter has served on many advisory boards and committees that have a strong influence and impact on developments in technology and/or governmental policies. We would list some of them here but it would result in this website page being very long. For more information, you can read the Wikipedia article about Peter at and also click the links in the References section of this page for more information.

Santino Mancuso (birth name David Cochrane) received a BA Degree from SUNY Binghamton in 1972 and a MA Degree in Research and Evaluation Methodology from the University of Florida in 2018. In September, 1972 Santino started a lifelong non-stop passionate pursuit of the work of Theodor Landscheidt and others on a possible connection between the cosmos and human behavior.